Friday 8 July 2011

RZSS to trademark new panda names

This article on the Scotsman website says that the RZSS is applying for the names of the new pandas to be trademarked so that fake merchandise can be made, and so they can make lots of money out of it.
Zoo wants rights to panda names in black and white
BOSSES at Edinburgh Zoo have launched a bid to stop the arrival of their two giant pandas being exploited by bootleggers. 

Executives at the attraction are seeking legal protection for the names of the pandas, Tian Tian and Yang Guang, to prevent fake merchandise from cropping up. The Royal Zoological Society for Scotland (RZSS), who run the zoo, are hoping to make a fortune from their own range of panda-related goods when the bears arrive from China.

They have applied to trademark the two names for a range of products including "toys, clothing, footwear, Christmas decorations and films".
But 'make' lots of money, isn't quite right.  It's more a case of recuperating money, as the pandas will cost 1 million US dollars a year, plus fees such as upkeep, feed, maintenance, etc.

You can't blame them really.

Link to original article

Incidently, I had a look at the new Panda enclosure when I last visited the zoo, and it's coming along nicely, so I took a couple of photos.

The enclosure was due to cost £250,000 but it has already gone over budget (according to the Scotsman).  The visitors area will be enclosed, or at least undercover which is great considering the Scottish weather generally.  The enclosure has taken the place of the old Gorilla area, around the back from the monkey house and the penguins.  Looks like it's taking shape nicely anyway.  Below is a picture of what it should look like when it's finished.
An artist's impression of the new home at the zoo for the pandas
Links to articles about the panda enclosure:

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